Groupe Renault - 2020 Universal Registration Document

145 GROUPE RENAULT I UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2020 02 CREATING SHARED VALUES THAT RESPECT SOCIETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT GROUPE RENAULT GROUPE RENAULT: A COMPANY THAT ACTS RESPONSIBLY CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RENAULT AND ITS SHAREHOLDERS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF RENAULT ON APRIL 23, 2021 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Cross-reference tables for the items required by Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105 et seq. of the French Commercial Code (Act of August 9, 2017) Pictogram Number Section Compliant or explanation Sustainable use of resources e) EFPD11 Compliant Water consumption and water supply depending on local constraints EFPD11a 2.2.3.D Raw material consumption and measures taken to improve efficiency in their use EFPD11b 2.2.3.B Energy consumption, measures taken to improve energy efficiency and use of renewable energy EFPD11c 2.2.3.A Land use EFPD11d 2.2.3.E Climate change f) EFPD12 Compliant Significant items of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the Company’s activity, including by the use of the goods and services it produces EFPD12a 2.2.3.A Measures taken to adapt to the consequences of climate change EFPD12b 2.2.3.A Medium and long-term reduction targets set voluntarily to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and resources put in place for this EFPD12c 2.2.3.A Protection of biodiversity g) EFPD13 Measures taken to preserve or restore biodiversity EFPD13 2.2.3.F 3) SOCIETAL INFORMATION Societal commitments to promote sustainable development a) EFPD14 Compliant Impact of the Company’s activity in terms of employment and local development EFPD14a EFPD14c 2.4.4 Impact of the Company’s activity on residents and local populations EFPD14b Relations with stakeholders and terms and conditions of dialog with them EFPD14c 2.1.5 Partnerships and sponsorship initiatives EFPD14d 2.4.4 Subcontractors and suppliers b) EFPD15 Inclusion of social and environmental issues in the purchasing policy EFPD15a 2.5.2 Ensuring that relations with suppliers and subcontractors include their social and environmental responsibility EFPD15b 2.5.2 Fair practices c) EFPD16 Measures taken in favor of consumer health and safety EFPD16a 2.2.3.C Actions to fight against corruption EFPD16b Actions to fight against tax evasion 2.5.3 Use of the products and services it produces P Compliant 4) INFORMATION ON ACTIONS IN FAVOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS Promotion of and compliance with the provisions of the fundamental principles of the International Labour Organization in a) respect of: EFPD17 Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining EFPD17a Elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation EFPD17b Elimination of forced or compulsory labor EFPD17c Effective abolition of child labor EFPD17d Other actions implemented to promote human rights b) EFPD18 2.5.2