Groupe Renault - 2020 Universal Registration Document

227 GROUPE RENAULT I UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2020 02 OUR SOCIAL COMMITMENT GROUPE RENAULT GROUPE RENAULT: A COMPANY THAT ACTS RESPONSIBLY CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RENAULT AND ITS SHAREHOLDERS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF RENAULT ON APRIL 23, 2021 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Management and Investment Committee (CDI) is the central governance body of Mobilize Invest s.a.s. The CDI is chaired by the Director of the Group’s Expert Leaders, an Expert Fellow and member of Renault’s Management Committee. It has 14 members, including one employee representative and two prominent external figures specialized in investment and social business. Mobilize Invest s.a.s. has already provided funding (capital or debt) for 14 projects, appointing Renault employees as mentors. The details of the companies supported can be found on the website mobilize-invest. The companies supported by Mobilize Invest are asked to measure the social impact of their respective activities. A common framework of nine result and activity indicators, put together with HEC, was deployed in 2018. All companies are participating in the scheme in this way: Nino Robotics is a startup that meets the mobility needs of those P who walk little, with difficulty or not at all, with a modern electric sit-on transportation machine or an electric wheel to power a manual wheelchair. Groupe Renault’s support, which will be implemented in December 2019, extends from product design to distribution; ADIE is an association that offers microcredit to people who do P not have access to bank loans. ADIE set up the first French social impact contract in 2016 to pilot the distribution of microcredit in rural areas. In 2019, 206 people benefited from microcredit thanks to this contract, including 44% to finance mobility (purchase/repair of a car); Salvum offers digital training in first aid. In September 2019, P Salvum launched a specific module for road rescue, which has been offered to more than 1,200 people since then. In 2020, Salvum developed several modules to raise awareness of viruses, including coronavirus. In addition, in 2018, Groupe Renault introduced a system to objectively measure the social impact of each of its social business initiatives. In 2019 this system was strengthened and extended. A survey of 1,011 people, conducted by MV2 and HEC in June 2019 to assess the social impact of the Garages Renault Solidaires, highlighted the following for people who had benefited from this program: a high satisfaction rate: 8.4/10 for recipients of the LOA Mobilize P offer and 8/10 for APV Mobilize offer customers, a significant impact on access to work: 78% of recipients of the P LOA Mobilize offer and 64% of recipients of the APV Mobilize offer believe that the program has helped them to find or to keep a job, the lifestyle satisfaction rate for Mobilize customers questioned P was 8.4/10 , compared with 6.5 for non-Mobilize customers and the French average of 7.2; Participate in the influence and development 3) of social entrepreneurship within the Company and outside Groupe Renault is a co-founding member of the “Movement for Social Business Impact”, which aims to promote the inclusive economy by supporting research and teaching, and by developing concrete projects having an impact on the reduction of poverty. A Social Business Strategic Area of Expertise (SAE) In October 2018, the Group decided to create a Social Business Strategic Area of Expertise (SAE) under the CSR department, with a view to embedding social business into the Company’s strategy alongside other traditional core business areas. This Social Business SAE complements the other SAE’s of the Group and fosters a new perception of the Company’s activities. It enables employees seeking more meaningful work-related initiatives and wanting to bring about change to get involved. Training in inclusive business In late 2018 and in 2020, training sessions were organized to enable around 20 employees per session to familiarize themselves with societal challenges, identify corporate responsibility and the tools available to them to take concrete action in favor of a more sustainable world. As these training courses are increasingly in demand by many employees, the format will be extended and offered to international employees. The HEC Paris Inclusive and Social Business Chair Groupe Renault has sponsored this Chair ( P espace-entreprises/chaires-et-centres/social-business) since 2011 and thus, in partnership with research and education, works to train younger generations and devise new social business solutions. Groupe Renault also collaborates with the Entreprise and Poverty P Action Tank, chaired by Martin Hirsch (Director General of Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP)) and Emmanuel Faber (CEO of Danone) to share existing knowledge about social business, hold discussions with other businesses committed to this approach and benefit from expert support and advice with the aim of ramping up the project. Collectif des entreprises engagées: a prescription banking platform In February 2019, Groupe Renault joined the coalition of companies: the Collectif des entreprises engagées (Collective of committed companies), created at the end of 2018 at the initiative of Emmanuel Faber, CEO of Danone. Faced with the social protest embodied in the gilets jaunes movement in 2018, 34 major French companies, including Groupe Renault, have come together in the Collectif des Entreprises Engagées to join forces in three priority areas: training and apprenticeships, access to inclusive goods and services, and responsible purchasing .