Groupe Renault - 2020 Universal Registration Document

247 GROUPE RENAULT I UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2020 02 APPENDICES GROUPE RENAULT GROUPE RENAULT: A COMPANY THAT ACTS RESPONSIBLY CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RENAULT AND ITS SHAREHOLDERS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF RENAULT ON APRIL 23, 2021 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GROUP SAVINGS AND COLLECTIVE RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN (PERCO/PERECO) Composition Number of subscribers at December 31, 2020 Assets (€ million) Perf. 2020 (in %) ACTIONS RENAULT MUTUAL FUNDS (GROUP SAVINGS PLANS (PEG) Renault France Fund (1)(3) Almost 100% Renault shares 37,283 222.6 -15.30% Renault International Fund (2) Almost 100% Renault shares 8,756 5.23 -15.22% Renault Shares Fund (2) Almost 100% Renault shares 6,061 35.90 -15.22% DIVERSIFIED MUTUAL FUNDS (GROUP SAVINGS PLAN AND COLLECTIVE RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS (PEG + PERCO/PERECO) Multipar Actions Soc Resp 100% euro zone shares 9,172 65.89 -1.09% CMC CIC Perspective conviction Monde 0 to 40% cash or bonds 60 to 100% shares 6,263 35.04 7.16% CMC CIC Perspective certitude 0 to 40% cash or bonds 0 to 100% OECD shares 6,694 21.48 -3.97% Multipar Equilibre Soc Resp 50% shares 50% bonds 14,573 197.08 0.88% Renault Mobilize Solidaire (3) 30% diversified shares 30% bonds 30% monetary 10% solidarity 7,045 28.15 5.02% Multipar Equilibre Soc Resp 90/95% monetary and bonds 5/10% solidarity securities 12,596 92.30 0.44% Multipar Monétaire Soc.Responsable 100% monetary 24,454 139.9 -0.46% BNP PARIBAS PERSPECTIVES (PERCO/PERECO) (3)(4) BNP PARIBAS Perspectives Short Term Diversified 1,179 13.58 -0.77% 2024 Diversified 908 10.96 -1.33% 2027 Diversified 626 6.05 -4.20% 2030 Diversified 577 4.87 -8.64% 2033 Diversified 525 3.29 -8.09% 2036 Diversified 415 2.26 -10.11% 2039 Diversified 320 1.39 -10.48% BNP PARIBAS Perspectives Long Term International shares 822 1.99 -10.36% FCPE Actions Renault merged with the FCPE Renault France in 2020. Renault France for French tax residents. (1) FCPE Actions Renault and Renault International mutual fund for tax residents outside France. (2) Fund open for payments throughout the year. (3) FCPE mutual fund whose maturity date corresponds to the planned date of the employee’s departure. (4)