Renault Group gives a special care to the relation with the responsible investors community. Several elements useful to the extrafinancial assessment of Renault are presented in this section.

Latest meetings:



We suggest you consult the following documents on governance, ESG strategy and the Group's commitments:


Renault Group governance


Renault Group's ESG strategy


Our ESG reporting


Renault Group's ESG policies


Global Compact


In 2001, Renault joined this UN initiative, which commits companies and NGOs to applying ten principles of sustainable and responsible development, set out by the UN.

These ten principles are inspired by four key international texts:

• the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
• the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,
• the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development,
• the United Nations Convention against Corruption.


As part of its policy of sustainable development, Renault applies the guidelines of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Adopted in 1976 by the thirty member countries and eight non-members, these guidelines encourage companies to apply responsible business conduct in a variety of areas including information disclosure, employment and industrial relations, the environment, combating bribery and taxation. There is a strong moral obligation for companies to adopt these guidelines. 


Renault also applies the Declaration of the International Labor Organization (ILO) concerning fundamental labour principles and rights.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Since 2001, Renault has been using the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) as a means to report on its sustainable development performance.

Created in 1997, the GRI brings together companies, government representatives and non-governmental organizations working in such areas as human rights, the environment and labour. It cooperates actively with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Compact.

Its mission is to develop globally applicable guidelines to be used by companies in reporting on the economic, environmental and social dimensions of their activities.


GRI guidelines include:

  • guidance on producing annual reports and sustainable development reports,
  • sector supplements, taking into account the unique issues faced by different sectors of industry,
  • technical protocols describing how to measure and present results for each performance indicator,
  • model documents for presenting and organizing information.

Today, more than 1,000 companies and organizations worldwide use GRI guidelines to report on their activities. The use of these guidelines is a voluntary commitment.

Renault regularly contributes to the updating of these guidelines by taking part in meetings and dialogue and answering calls for tender.


Extra-financial ratings


ESG key figures and presentations



Contact us
For any ESG analysis-related questions please contact Clementine de Quatrebarbes
+ 33 (0)7 78 88 73 59

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