5 tips for the perfect electric car road trip
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Determined to prove that the electric car is not just for short trips, two students from the EDHEC Business School in Lille went on a tour around Europe this summer in a Renault ZOE. At the end of their 25-day journey, Iulia and Edwin had driven through 12 countries and over 6,000 km without using any energy source but electricity. « It’s a lot easier that you may think », said Iulia.
Follow these 5 tips for the perfect adventure!
#1 - Prepare your trip
Traffic regulations are generally the same throughout Europe, but some countries have surprises in store that you’ll be lucky not to run into. « In Bulgaria there are no tolls on the motorways, but you have to buy a sticker to have the right to drive », states the young woman.
#2 - Planning an adapted trip itinerary
The key to a seamless electric trip is to anticipate charging. « We never ran out of battery power. In Europe, it’s actually quite easy. There’s always a big city nearby when you need to charge. You just need to plan your itinerary », Iulia explains.
#3 - Make sure to bring an access card for charging stations
Charging stations are popping up all over Europe, but you need a subscription to use many of them. « The easiest thing to do is to get a pass that gives you access to charging networks in several countries », says the young traveller. This is exactly why we created the Renault Z.E. Pass app, which allows you to locate stations and to pay as you go with many different provider networks.
#4 - Take your time
Don’t be afraid to go off the beaten path. The electric car allows you to wander: each recharge opens up a new door for enjoying a new city or tourist attraction. « In Ljubljana (Slovenia), there are free charging stations right by the city centre, which is ideal », says Iulia.
#5 - Share your story
On the road, every encounter is an opportunity to talk about your electric car, its strengths and weaknesses. Along the way, the two students shared their experiences on social media and on their dedicated website, The European Electrip. For Iulia and Edwin, there’s no doubt about it: the transition is underway. « If we managed to get around Europe without a problem, anyone should be able to use an electric car for their everyday travels! » Iulia concludes.
6,000 km in 25 days. Departing from the North of France, Iulia and Edwin first drove to Marseille. They next drove over to Italy, stopping in Venice. Afterwards, they made a big loop towards Eastern Europe, passing through Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. They then made their way back to France, driving through Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium.
Copyrights: Edwin NGUYEN, Iulia DOBRESCU, Thomas MOTTA, PRODIGIOUS Production