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The champion countries of electric mobility

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#1 - Norway at the forefront

For the Scandinavian country, one number comes up again and again: more than half of new cars sold are electrified (hybrid or 100% electric). That rate, well above other countries, makes Norway a pioneer in electric mobility. Such a high level of electrification of road transport can be explained, among other reasons, by a voluntarist public policy, combining tax deductions, purchase aids and other various benefits such as free parking and charging, free ferries, access to bus lanes, etc.

The penetration rate of electric vehicles is so significant that Oslo already plans to only sell new-energy cars as early as 2025.

#2 - China in the pole position

China is quite simply the world’s largest electromobility market. With around 650,000 registered in 2017, China has almost a third of the total number of electric vehicles in the world. The Asian giant surpassed the US in 2014 and it aims to have 7 million electric vehicles in circulation by 2025. That would represent, according to the same projections, no less than one fifth of the cars registered across the country. In order to meet these ambitions, Beijing has recently imposed a strict sales quota on new-energy cars. Thus, starting in 2019, electric and hybrid vehicles will have to account for 10% of the total sales of new cars. It’s a decisive shift that will boost a market already exhibiting strong growth around the world.

#3 - France in full swing

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France is among the countries with one of the highest penetration rates of electric mobility in the world. Since 2012, its fleet of electric cars has increased by more than ten times and far exceeds 100,000 registrations (118,770 electric cars in circulation in 2017). The growth of the electric passenger car market is encouraged by purchasing aids, but also by the extensive deployment of charging stations. With nearly 30,000 terminals available, the rate of national coverage is among the highest in Europe: about 1 charging point for every 7 vehicles. The ultimate proof of this dynamism is the presence of leading industrial players, as evidenced by the success of the Renault ZOE, the best-selling electric car on the European market, accounting for one in every 5 electric cars sold.

#4 - Germany catches up

If Germany has in the past seemed to be lagging behind France and the countries of Northern Europe, this is no longer the case. The largest European market in the automotive sector has clearly turned towards electric mobility. In 2016, Berlin created a one billion euro budget to support the development of the electric car (the establishment of a 4,000 rebate at purchase, the installation of public charging stations on a massive scale, etc.). Since then, the sector has demonstrated unprecedented vigour: in 2017, the new-energy car market more than doubled (a 120% increase). Finally, the government has put in place a system of incentives for large-scale companies, with flagship measures including the 50% tax credit for the purchase of a battery-powered vehicle and a tax exemption for ten years.

#5 - The Netherlands in an ideal situation

Just over 90% of the Dutch population lives in urban areas, a factor that is highly conducive to the rise of electromobility. Indeed, their needs for short-distance travel align perfectly with the use of an electric vehicle. Well aware of its strengths, the country has largely embarked along this path. With 25,300 charging stations, the Netherlands has the densest network of terminals in Europe. The growth of the electric car fleet has also been positive. The proof is in the 61% increase in registrations in 2017. Alongside Germany, Norway and France, Holland is helping drive a truly dynamic Europe. Between the four of them, these countries represent about 70% of the electric car market in Europe.


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