French Women of Industry Trophy: Delphine de Andria named « international woman » of the year
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How does it feel to receive such a trophy?
It gives me great pleasure and I would like to dedicate it to all the teams I have worked with for almost 4 years in the AMI Pacific region (Africa Middle East India Pacific). I thank them warmly for their commitment and this mutual trust which allows us to make the most of the extreme variety of this region of no less than 110 countries! This diversity of cultures and contacts has been a rich source of learning. Remaining open to others and putting ourselves "in their shoes", accepting our differences but combining our strengths to get the most out of them. This has become a permanent state of mind for me, a reflex even in my personal life.
Among all the launches you have carried out, whether in the product management department or today as Head of programmes for the region, which one has made the biggest impression on you?
There have been several, of course! I remember the strong emotion I felt when Clio 3 was named "car of the year" at the Geneva Motor Show in 2005 at the time I was Product Manager. More recently, I admit I was very proud of the successful launch of Triber in India. When I took up my position, the project was still in gestation and thanks to the close cooperation between the country and the region and the overwhelming efforts of the teams on site, we managed to ensure that a new concept vehicle less than 4m long with up to 7 seats immediately found its way onto the market!
But my greatest source of satisfaction is linked to the women and men or how, by creating a real team spirit, we manage to solve all kinds of difficulties and achieve our objectives. Whatever nationalities I work with, whether "face-to-face" or remotely, I always put a lot of energy into ensuring solidarity and team spirit while ensuring a high level of standards. And what a pleasure it is to receive spontaneous emails from former employees, on a job move for example, thanking me for the work we have done together.
You have been participating for several years in mentoring programmes within the association "elles bougent" and also in the Women@Renault network, what motivates you? What advice echoes the most among the young women you mentor?
I like to pass on the passion of my work, especially to young women, because many of them are still hesitating about a career in the industry. I explain to them, for example, that Groupe Renault offers the opportunity to work in different types of jobs and that it is quite possible to balance one's professional life with a fulfilling family life.
Within Renault I also like to share my experience with other women, particularly in the countries of the AMI Region, because this makes exchanges even richer by adding the dimension of cultural diversity. I advise them to define their own management style, to remain "themselves" and to federate the teams they work with around a common objective.
I am sometimes asked what gives me this communicative energy. I would say that mine inspires me. First, I think of my mother who took care of her four children "full-time" and gave everything for us with great generosity. This has undoubtedly had an impact on my management style... My fulfilment comes from the balance I have always tried to maintain between my professional and personal life. Sharing special moments with my family, through trips to the four corners of the world, is also a source of inspiration for me and my children! Finally, for my career to be a success, it is important for me not to sacrifice anything.