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Time for personalisation!

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We’ve all been there. You go into a shop, an assistant asks you “Are you looking for something?” and before you have a chance to answer they start banging on about a product that doesn’t suit you at all. Gets right on your nerves, doesn’t it? We’re the same. Let’s be straight, we all like to have a choice. About everything. But it’s even better if we can have something personalised, unique, made just for us. We need to stand out at a time when society is becoming increasingly standardised. And here is the challenge for companies today: to offer greater choice for different customers. For over 120 years, Groupe Renault has consistently anticipated the needs of all so that it can adapt to meet them. And more and more brands are understanding the importance of putting people at the centre of their strategy, with the emphasis on personalisation. Overview of the situation…

Netflix & chill, Bang on with your favourites

[caption id="attachment_29248061" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] What you prefer is available from the home screen.[/caption]

After it was rolled out around the whole world in 2010, Netflix soon found its way into our living rooms. We share our evenings with it, wait impatiently for news of it, we talk about it with our friends… In other words, for many of us, the video streaming platform is now a part of our daily routine. But why all this enthusiasm? Apart from the services that it offers, the US giant owes its success to personalisation. Are you already connected to a mate’s account? So you must have already noticed that your home pages are different, and that you also get different thumbs for the same programme. This is because you are being offered suggestions by an algorithm based on your history. Themes, actors, locations, music etc. Even the moment that you stopped watching a series is analysed. To identify your habits accurately and to offer you the best possible experience. And Netflix goes even further by creating its own content: no fewer than 700 original productions, including 80 films in 2018!

Lemonade: when technology is good!

[caption id="attachment_29248050" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] An app for human needs.[/caption]

No, we aren’t about to tell you about the latest trendy drink. Lemonade is a home insurance start-up set up in the US in 2016. So what’s so special about it? It’s what’s known as an “insurtech”, a small technology company working in the insurance field. Its ambition is to transform the customer experience. With Lemonade, there’s no need to leave home. Its services, from signing up to settling claims, are just a few clicks away on an app. Just one more way to the customer’s life easier? Maya, a chatbot based on artificial intelligence, is capable of instantly and simultaneously managing processes, such as what you need to do when moving house. To paraphrase its CEO, Daniel Schreiber, Lemonade is a technology company that does insurance, not an insurer that has developed an app.

Nuxe, prodigiously personalised

[caption id="attachment_29248065" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] Unfortunately, sunscreen doesn’t spread out by itself.[/caption]

The beauty industry is also looking to ultra-personalisation to satisfy its customers. This is why Nuxe has now added a beauty diagnosis to its home page. But it doesn’t ask the usual questions like “does your skin tend to be dry or greasy?”.  To get closer to the consumer’s habits, the criteria are much more comprehensive. When you take this test, you have to pick the images, inspiring words, states of mind and statements that best reflect your personality. Finally, when you arrive at the results, you get to see the most suitable of their essential products, such as their famous Huile Prodigieuse. A way to show every woman that her own specific wants and needs are being listened to and taken into consideration.

Hello Jam, a robot that knows just what you want!

[caption id="attachment_29248068" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] Your best talk with a smartphone.[/caption]

Based on artificial intelligence with a suite of algorithms that allows accurate replies to user questions, Hello Jam is a 100% Messenger medium that works with the Facebook messaging system. But what does it actually do? Simple. Whether you are looking for a gift idea, a summer job, a film to watch or a restaurant, whether it’s for your granny, your better half or your best friend, Hello Jam will always have the answer! And it will send it to you via Messenger. Immediately and for free. The aim of its creator, Marjolaine Grondin: to create sharing. Incidentally, Groupe Renault and Hello Jam have collaborated on the reveal for the New ZOE. A chance for the chatbot to plunge the audience into the heart of electric mobility, to teach them even more about the topic and make them to react.