Renault Group

The new policy landscape

The facts
COP 21, the global climate conference, was held in Paris in 2015. At its close, 196 parties pledged to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The Paris Agreement’s focus is to keep the global rise in temperature “well below 2°C” while “pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C”.​​
Meanwhile, Europe is implementing its own climate strategy, set out in the European Green Deal. Large cities are already taking clean air measures: low emission zones, tolls, congestion charges and limited access areas already restrict access to city centers for the most polluting vehicles.


The collaborative participation of citizens, businesses and governments was decisive in the finalization of the Paris Agreement. This synergy is equally essential to its successful implementation. Well aware of the automotive industry’s climate challenges and role, Renault Group has aligned its carbon footprint reduction strategy with the targets set by the Paris Agreement to “pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C”. In April 2021, the Group announced its aim to achieve carbon neutrality in Europe by 2040, in alignment with the European Green Deal, and worldwide by 2050.​​​


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