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Sustainable development
at the core of our strategy

Our sustainable development strategy supports the company's transformation and the pursuit of an equitable transition to safe, sustainable, low-carbon mobility. Our ambition is to design vehicles and, at the same time, to look after the people who make and use them, while also limiting our environmental impact.

The three pillars of our strategy

Our sustainable development strategy is key to our mission, allowing us to combine business performance with a commitment to customers, employees and the environment. Our Renaulution strategy reflects a sustainable and responsible approach, based on three pillars.


Our goal is to protect biodiversity, to do more with less, and to reduce emissions across the life cycle of our vehicles in order to achieve net carbon neutrality in Europe by 2040 and worldwide by 2050.


We are innovating continuously to make progress and deliver the highest standards of safety for the users of our vehicles, as well as for our employees.

Diversity and inclusion

Guaranteeing well-being in the workplace and promoting social inclusion through mobility.

Governance of our ESG strategy

The sustainable development strategy of Renault Group covers all ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) related aspects, for global management of our extra-financial performance. A Strategy and Sustainable Committee was set up in 2019 to strengthen oversight of these issues by the Board of Directors. The Committee’s main tasks are to:

  • ensure the required level of commitment in terms of extra-financial compliance, ethics and social and environmental responsibility;
  • examine Group policies, guidelines and codes;
  • review and assess reporting and control procedures for non-financial indicators;
  • review the deployment of projects and initiatives.

“Our main challenge is to position Renault Group as a future leader in sustainable mobility, able to weather the current upheavals in our industry and to create value every day for all the company’s stakeholders. This will require determination and focus, if we are to achieve a transition guided by innovation that is equitable from both an environmental and social standpoint. This is our responsibility.”

Jean-Dominique Senard

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Renault Group

“We see our environmental and social responsibility as one of the chapters of the Renaulution. Our plan of action for decarbonisation, inclusion, and the safety of vehicle users and employees reflects our strategic goals and supports value creation. Developed with our workforce, the plan is in line with our values of innovation and solidarity. It is supported by a group of members of the Executive Committee members and is an integral part of our activities. It is the operational expression of our corporate purpose.”

Luca de Meo

CEO Renault Group

Our diversity and inclusion policy

Renault Group is pursuing a proactive policy of diversity and inclusion to enable all employees, whatever their differences or specificic needs, to interact and work together. We believe that diversity and non-discrimination is a guarantee of performance and sustainability, as well as a fundamental requirement. For this reason, we are deploying a Diversity and Inclusion strategy comprising several pillars.

Find out more

A commitment to responsible communication

Renault Group and its brands are committed to sustainable and responsible advertising practices. Since 2018, the Group has demonstrated this commitment through a number of practical initiatives:

The FAIRe programme set up by the UdM (Union des Marques or Brand Academy) in France in 2018

Renault was one of the first brands to join this programme, which aims to provide practical responses to the environmental and societal issues facing brands today, in the form of 15 commitments for more responsible communication.

Climate Contract implemented in France since 2022

Renault Group has signed a Climate Contract setting out detailed targets for reducing the carbon footprint of its advertising campaigns and promoting messages for the ecological transition.

WFA Planet Pledge (World Federation of Advertisers) from 2024

Renault Group is taking part in this programme, which aims to promote and reinforce attitudes and behaviours that will help the world address the challenges set out in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Learn more about the external assessments of our sustainable performance

Our ESG performance is assessed by the leading international extra-financial rating agencies. For over 20 years, the Group has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact, setting out 10 principles on human rights, labour standards, the environment and the prevention of corruption.

Renault Group has been listed on the CAC 40 ESG index since 16 June 2023. Set up in March 2021, this index lists the 40 companies on the Paris Bourse demonstrating the best environmental, social and governance practices. To find out more, click here.

Extra-financial ratings

Rating AgencyRatingRank within the industry
SustainalyticsMedium risk13/76 automotive industry
(13th percentile)
Moody's - ESG Solutions73/1001/37
ISS ESG Corporate RatingC+ Prime Status2nd decile
CDP ClimateA-
Ecovadis73/100Top 1%

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