Groupe Renault - 2020 Universal Registration Document

139 GROUPE RENAULT I UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2020 02 CREATING SHARED VALUES THAT RESPECT SOCIETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT GROUPE RENAULT GROUPE RENAULT: A COMPANY THAT ACTS RESPONSIBLY CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RENAULT AND ITS SHAREHOLDERS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF RENAULT ON APRIL 23, 2021 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Professional whistle-blowing DV4 The vigilance plan includes setting up a whistle-blowing mechanism and collecting alerts relating to the existence or realization of risks, established in consultation with the representative unions of the company. In this context, the Group has introduced a professional whistle-blowing system open to employees. The Group has also chosen to open the whistle-blowing system to external and occasional employees, as well as to suppliers and subcontractors with which an established commercial relationship exists, when these activities are related to this relationship. The global whistle-blowing system rolled out in 2018 is available in 14 languages and is operational in almost all countries. It is managed by an external service provider and can be accessed at any time, any day of the week, on a professional or personal computer, tablet or smartphone, via the internet at the following address: . For certain countries, a telephone line managed by the service provider is also available. It guarantees confidentiality of communication and enables the whistle-blower to remain anonymous subject to local law. During 2020, new awareness-raising initiatives were carried out, notably on the Group's intranet, to remind people how the system works. The system enables suppliers and subcontractors to raise an alert in the event of risks concerning serious infringements to human rights, fundamental freedoms, health and safety of persons or the environment, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. They were informed of this possibility by mail in 2018; a reminder is planned for 2021. Each alert is studied, depending on the case or the country, by the Deputy Director for Professional Alerts or by the local ethics and compliance correspondent or the local whistle-blowing officer. The Alert Processing Committee, composed of seven members and three experts, collectively handles professional alerts received by the Deputy Director for Professional Alerts for France. The Country Ethics and Compliance Committee, chaired by the country director and steered by the country ethics and compliance officer, handles professional alerts received by the local ethics and compliance or alert officer. Every year, the Group Ethics and Compliance department presents the Group Ethics and Compliance Committee (CECG) and the Audit, Risks and Compliance Committee (CARC) with a detailed report containing statistics relative to professional whistle-blowing worldwide. Extra-Financial Performance Declaration 2.1.6 Groupe Renault prepares a detailed analysis of the risks to which the Group may be exposed, including the extra-financial risks that may call into question the Company’s ability to maintain its overall performance. The complete approach and comprehensive information on risks in general is presented in section 1.6 this Universal registration document. Methodology for reporting extra-financial performance Regulatory context In accordance with the order no. 2017-1180 dated July 19, 2017, and Decree no. 2017-1265 dated August 9, 2017, Groupe Renault has established the Extra-Financial Performance Declaration (EFPD). Identification of the main social, societal and environmental risks of Groupe Renault is based on international standards and norms – such as INERIS and the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) – as well as internal mapping (Group major risks, corruption risks, pursuant to the provisions of the Sapin II law, risks relating to the vigilance plan, as well as issues identified in the materiality matrix (see 2.1.4)). Process of identification of the main extra-financial risks Identification and summary of the principal risks with regard to the expectations of the Extra-financial Performance Declaration (EFPD) was undertaken collaboratively, under the supervision of the Risk Management and CSR departments, with representatives of the various departments and managers in charge of subjects coming within the scope of the declaration of extra-financial performance, and notably: the environment; P Human Resources; P international social relations; P purchasing and relationships with suppliers and subcontractors; P health, safety, ergonomics and the environment (HSEE); P IS/IT; P road safety; P the development of new products and services; P tax; P legal affairs; P ethics and compliance. P Groupe Renault also takes into account the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and market practices identified in its sector. The Company has also taken into consideration the information listed in item III of Article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code. Certain topics have not been identified as pertinent principal risks in respect of the Group’s activities and shareholders’ known expectations, notably those relating to food (food waste, fighting food insecurity, respect for animal welfare and responsible, fair and sustainable food).