Renault Group


To successfully meet its objectives and achieve top-level governance, Renault places great emphasis on striking a balance between management bodies, supervisory bodies and shareholders.


The Board of Directors

Renault is governed by a Board of Directors comprising 16 members:

  • 12 Directors appointed by the Annual General Meeting, including 2 Directors appointed upon proposal of Nissan, 1 upon proposal of the employee shareholders, 1 upon proposal of the French State
  • 1 Director designed by order, as representative of the French State
  • 3 Directors elected by employees
The Board of Directors is composed is as follows:

16 Directors

58.3 %
Independant Directors*
41.7 %
Average age
Average tenure

*Excluding the Directors representing employees and the Director representing employee shareholders.

Find out more about the Board of Directors


Three specialized committees have been set up to carry out in-depth analysis of specific issues addressed by the Board. The committees provide recommendations which are reported to the Board of Directors by their Chairman.

Find out more about our specialized Commitees

Risk management

Renault Group has an active risk management policy. The aim is to anticipate and control as far as possible the risks arising from its activities and international development.

Find out more about risk management in Renault Group


The Renault group’s accounts are audited by several audit firms.

Find out more about Renault Group's auditors