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The Renault site at Batilly, SOVAB (Société de Véhicules Automobiles de Batilly), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Groupe Renault. This bodywork/assembly factory produces the Master in over 350 versions to meet the requirements of the most demanding trade users. The factory currently has a production capacity of 740 utility vehicles per day.

  • FOUNDED IN: 1980
  • LEGAL FORM AND CAPITAL OWNERSHIP: Société en Nom Collectif (a form of partnership) with capital of €7,622,000 fully owned by Renault SAS (France)
  • ACTIVITY: Bodywork-assembly (production of light commercial vehicles)
  • WORKFORCE:  1,961 at December 31, 2023
  • AREA: 81 ha, o/w 198 604 m2 of covered buildings

Main products

Models: Master 3, Master 3 E-TECH Electrique, Master 4 E-TECH Electrique, Master 4, Master 3 Hydrogène, Other


  • Master 3: 112 670 units
  • Master 3 E-TECH Electrique: 1 407 units
  • Master 4 E-TECH Electrique: 52 units
  • Master 4: 164 units
  • Master 3 Hydrogène: 46 units
  • Other : 35 918 units


Batilly is committed to reducing the impact of its activities on the environment. Its method: implementing solutions for a rational use of natural resources, whose effectiveness is measured year after year, and involving its collaborators to encourage their accountability and their commitment, by sorting at the source for example.


Specialized in the manufacture of utility vehicles for more than 40 years, the Batilly’s team members have acquired recognized skills that guarantee the quality of the vehicles produced. Master’s quality level is appreciated at all stages of the manufacturing process with a reinforced control of the assembly process, delivered parts, and a self-check of each collaborator at his or her workstation.



Renault has sold over 3 million Master vans since 1980, and has made them in Batilly, eastern France, since the beginning. The only vehicle in its category made in France: the three energy versions and all the bodies are made on the same production line in Batilly.

Our history

Back to the key dates

  • 1980: creation of the Batilly plant. SOVAB becomes a general partnership (SNC) forming part of Renault (instead of Renault V.I.). Manufacturing of Master begins.
  • 1981: manufacturing of Trafic begins.
  • 1987: discontinuation of Trafic production (resumed in 1989).
  • 1994: SOVAB first Renault plant to achieve SQCA classification.
  • 1996: LCVs distribution partnership between Renault and General Motors Europe.
  • 2003: 1 million manufactured vehicles. Manufacturing of the new Master begins.
  • 2006: SOVAB beats its production record with 123,202 vehicles manufactured in one year.
  • 2010: production of the 1 050 101th Master X70. This is the end of 13 years of success. Launch of New Master X62.
  • 2011: new Master is elected VAN OF THE YEAR 2011. Start of production of the NV400 (X62 Nissan).
  • 2012: SOVAB confirms its environmental commitment and installs 43,000 solar panels (75,000 m2 – the equivalent of 11 football pitches).
  • 2014: updating of the Master range with new design and new range of engines.
  • 2015: the site celebrated its 35th anniversary. Basketball champion Tony Parker came to pay tribute to employees’ expertise.
  • 2018: launch of the Master ZE and commercial launch of the Master in Korea; the factory is a test site for the carriage of parts in trucks running on natural gas for a greener transport industry.
  • 2020: the plant celebrates its 40th anniversary and declines its new corporate project, #PRO2023. During this particular year, the site is deploying an efficient Covid health protocol and is maintaining a production nearing 130,000 vehicles.
  • 2021: the plant assembles its 3,000,000th vehicle in February 2021.
  • 2022: as part of the “Re-Nouveau France 2025” agreement, the plant recruited 200 people.
  • 2023: The plant sets a new production record: 150,261 Master units assembled in 2023.

Contact us

SOVAB Batilly

Zone Industrielle, BP 2, 54980 Batilly, France

+33 (0)1 76 89 34 99