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Cléon Plant

The plant's industrial adventure began in 1958 with the manufacture of mechanical parts for the gearbox of the Dauphine. 65 years later, the Cléon megafactory is the development centre for electrical and propulsion components for commercial vehicles. It produces engines (electric and internal combustion) and gearboxes for the Renault Group brands (Renault and Dacia) and also supplies components to Nissan as part of the Alliance.

  • FOUNDED IN: 1958
  • LEGAL FORM AND CAPITAL OWNERSHIP: “S.N.C.” (general partnership) with capital of €28,127,600, 98,91% owned by Renault SAS (France)
  • ACTIVITYMechanical (Gearboxes and engines), foundry
  • WORKFORCE: 3,219 at December 31, 2022
  • AREA: 150 ha, o/w 42 ha of covered buildings
  • CERTIFICATIONS: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, SMR label, RHP label

Main products

Mechanical products :
> Engines: thermal and electric
> Gearboxes
> Aluminium castings and gearbox collections.


  • Thermal engines: 331,937 units
  • Electric engines: 333,192 units
  • Gearbixes: 239,990 units
  • Aluminium foundry: 11,083 tons


THE CLÉON PLANT IS CERTIFIED ISO 14001 and 50001. The Cléon plant’s environmental policy is in line with the Groupe Renault’s environmental policy which aims to combine the economic performance, the social progress and the environmental preservation to the strategy of profitable growth.


THE CLÉON PLANT IS CERTIFIED ISO 9001. The ambition of the Cléon plant is to contribute to the recognition of the Groupe Renault, as being one of the leading car manufacturer in terms of quality, and for each range of vehicles and mechanical components. The Manufacturing Quality policy is an integral part of the Groupe Renault’s Customer Satisfaction Plan and contributes to the improvement of the Manufacturing and Logistics performance.


In line with the Renault Group’s energy policy, the Cléon plant is committed to continuously improving the site’s energy performance and to preventing and reducing energy consumption not required for our activities.


E7A, the “next gen” electric motor developed by Renault and Valeo

Renault Group is taking the next step and designing a new motor that is in a class by itself worldwide, even more powerful and efficient, and uses no rare earths. The mass production of this new-generation engine will start at Renault Group’s Cléon factory at the end of 2027.

Our history

Back to the key dates

  • 1958: creation of the Cléon plant which produces gearboxes.
  • 1960: construction of a second building dedicated to engines.
  • 1964: creation of the aluminium foundry. Casting of the first aluminium cylinder blocks for the Renault 16 model.
  • 1970: construction of a new building for the production of gearboxes, and then engines.
  • 2000: development of flexible production lines.
  • 2001: transfer of the Prototype Mechanical Part Manufacturing Department to Cléon.
  • 2005: production start-up of the M9R (2.0 dCi), the first Alliance engine, and the PK4 gearbox.
  • 2008: 50th anniversary of the plant.
  • 2011: integration of the foudry at the plant. Start of production of Energy dCi 130 engine.
  • 2012: opening ceremony of the Global Training Center.
  • 2013: production of the interconnection box for electric engine gen2.
  • 2014: production launch of the twin-turbo engine for the Alliance.
  • 2015: production of the Renault R240 electric motor launched.
  • 2017: inauguration of the 3 new ASL (Alliance Standard Line) machining lines.
  • 2018: 60th anniversary of the plant.
  • 2019: "Referant plant of industry 4.0" label / production of 200.000 GMPE.
  • 2020: in January, AILN France (previously the logistics entity AILN Grand-Couronne) moves to new facilities in Cléon.
  • 2021: Launch of the e-motor fabrication for E-TECH.
  • 2022: Inauguration of a new production line for electric motors and establishment of the E-Mobility Industry Academy training facility. Start of production of the ePT 6AM motor (160kw)
  • 2023: On 1 November 2023, the creation of Ampère, a European "pure player" dedicated to electric vehicles and software, took effect. The plant of Cléon is one of the four industrial sites of this new entity.

Contact us

Usine Renault de Cléon

BP 105,
76 410 Cléon

+ 33 (0)1 76 86 86 64 ou + 33 (0)1 76 86 81 81