How to take part?
Whether you’re a newcomer to Renault on Instagram or already a member of our 29,000-strong Instagram community, check out @renault_live for a chance to win ten sets of three 3 inches Renault Espace miniatures. The contest runs through to 19 May.
It’s easy to take part:
– Sign up to follow @renault_live on Instagram (if you’re not already a follower).
– Re-post the contest photo with #NewEspaceCannes2015 on your own account: just use your phone to take a screen shot of the Instagram post from @renault_live and re-post it on your own Instagram account.
– Tag it with @Renault_live.
The contest is open to all Renault fans, from any country, from 12 to 19 May 2015, 18:00.
Important: Instagram accounts taking part in the contest must be public when the draw takes place. All entries will be checked, and the draw will only include accounts that comply with the rules set out above.
The winners will be announced on 20 May, in a new Instagram post.
Good luck!
New Espace in the limelight
Renault’s cinema connection dates back more than 110 years, and Renault has been partnering the Cannes Film Festival for 32 years. This year Renault is providing a fleet of 200 New Espace Initiale Paris cars, bearing the distinctive Palme d’or festival insignia. New Espace, just released this spring, boasts outstanding comfort, materials and equipment. With its distinctive design, advanced technologies, fine materials, quality finish and exceptional comfort, soundproofing and climate control, the top-end Initiale Paris version of New Espace is the best expression there is of how Renault sees on-board lifestyle.
“With the media exposure, not to mention the 200,000 visitors who flock to the Cannes Film Festival from the world over, New Espace will be well and truly in the spotlight,” comments Claude Hugot, the Renault-Nissan Alliance’s public relations chief.
In addition to Espace, Renault will also be delighting visitors to Cannes with six Capturs, four New Twingos and fifteen Twizys throughout the event, from 13 to 24 May.