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My holiday checklist to hit the road

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It’s holiday time once again…And this year, many people are jumping behind the wheel to reach to their holiday destination. Families are getting ready to hit the road… Driven by a desire for a trip with true peace of mind, Roxanne, of YouTube fame with her own channel – BabyChouFamily – take in hand the all-new Renault Arkana E-TECH Hybrid and has a few secrets for a successful road-trip!


Vehicle papers, first-aid kit, emergency break-down kit, tyre pressure, lights, clearance… nothing can be left unchecked before heading off on holidays. Everything you need to make sure the journey is just as fun and enjoyable as the destination.


To summarise

#1. Papers please!

It goes without saying that the first thing to think about before taking the road is the vehicle's papers: insurance, registration card, up-to-date technical inspection... not to mention, of course, your driver’s licence. So many bits of paper, without which you better prepare yourself for a hefty fine.

#2. A first-aid kit for passengers… and then some!

Bandages, medication, disinfectant, we often think of everything passengers might need. But what about the car! After all, the car is the one who suffers the most during the trip!

So, be it the warning triangle or high-vis vest you’ll need in case of an accident, not to forget the car jack and spare wheel for the bravest road warriors, or even anti-puncture spray for those less DIY minded... all this will help you keep your car in tip-top condition over the holiday break.

#3. Find the right footwear

Sandals and jelly-sandals for the kids are already packed... but don’t forget your car’s shoes: the tyres! Be careful, remember to check your tires when cold and especially ... when the boot is fully loaded and you’re ready to hit the road. Any doubts about the right pressure for your tires? There’s a cheat sheet inside the driver's door.

A quick tip for the road: tire pressure can be 0.2 to 0.3 bars higher than recommended if you want a truly enjoyable drive with a fully loaded car.
Despite all your precautions, accidents happen: a flat-tire kit and spare tire are holiday essentials!

#4. What lovely eyes you have!

It is often said that you have to see and be seen. So, before leaving, a quick check of the lights is never too much... Small bonus tip: once the boot is fully packed, the lights tend to point upwards as the rear drops down. A quick double-check when the car is full can never go astray!

#5. Remember to stay well hydrated

Who hits the road without plenty of water? The same goes for your car: remember to check each tank and reservoir before you leave on a long trip. The main levels to check are engine oil (no, not your tanning oil), coolant, brake fluid, windscreen fluid... and last but definitely not least, your fuel! Thanks to E-TECH hybrid technology, trips to the fuel station are fewer and farther between. With the EV motor assisting the ICE motor, you use less fuel. How good is that!

On your marks! Get set! Go!

Your holiday checklist is done, you’re now ready to hit the road! Pop on your sunglasses, put on your favourite road-trip playlist for the everyone to enjoy, don’t forget the road-side picnic for the foodies in the family, and off you go! Remember to stop every two hours to stretch your legs and keep driver fatigue at bay!

On your marks! Get set! And of you go on a Renault Arkana E-TECH Hybrid road-trip!
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