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Renault Scenic Vision: where safety and well-being unite

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The Renault Scenic Vision concept car heralds in a brand-new architecture that was conceived by the designers to be unique and suited to everyone. With its design centred around accessibility, the concept car is an invitation for passengers to take a seat on board where they are given a unique experience combining safety and well-being. Dive into a car the rewrites the rulebook and taking the future of cars and technology into a whole new realm, becoming a hallmark of its time.

Larger screen, adjustable cockpit, no B-pillar, facial recognition, and personalized interiors: everything on the Renault Scenic Vision has been designed for people to share in life experiences while boasting maximum comfort for all. This concept car has overhauled the on-board experience and embodies Renault’s values when it comes to the environment, safety, and inclusion. The unique interior means the car adapts to the driver and not the other way around. The design team of passionate women and men have worked on the car’s design with the ultimate ambition of creating an inclusive car adapted where accessibility, comfort, and safety are its guiding principles.

Eléonore, Racha et Vincent, membres de l’équipe Design qui a développé Renault Scénic Vision sous la houlette de Gilles Vidal et de Sandeep Bhambra

Eléonore, Racha and Vincent, members of the design team that developed Renault Scenic Vision under the leadership of Gilles Vidal and Sandeep Bhambra

Central display: visibility increased by 24%

Sandeep BHAMBRA, Head of Concept Car Design and Advanced Design Renault


Design built around accessibility

Vincent TURPIN, Renault Interior Designer

Well-being on board

Renault Scénic Vision Concept Car

Eléonore LEBEC, Renault Colour and Materials Designer

A personalized experience

Concept Car Renault Scénic Vision

Racha ALJ-HAKIM, Leader in charge of Renault Design Objects