The first Twingo was assembled at Renault-Sofasa’s Envigado plant in Medellin, in 1995. Since then Twingo has achieved the status of an icon on the Colombian market, partly because of its original design, cheerful and provocative colours, and its innovative technologies for the time. For many years, Twingo figured among the top ten best-selling cars in Colombia.
Twingo Tatoo, the ultimate limited edition of the first generation model
Although the first generation of Twingo went out of production elsewhere in the world about five years ago, demand in Colombia was so high that Renault-Sofasa decided to go on manufacturing the car. The last Twingo was made in Medellin in June this year.
With 18 versions and many limited editions including the latest, Twingo Tattoo, the iconic model proved so popular that about 100,000 units have been sold in Colombia to date. Now a new chapter is beginning as Renault takes advantage of the Bogota Motor Show to introduce the public to New Twingo.
SOFASA (Automobile Production Company Ltd), established in 1969, has been assembling Renault vehicles at the Envigado bodywork-assembly plant in Medellin since 1970. In 40 years, SOFASA has made and sold over 820,000 vehicules: 13 Renault models, three Toyota models (between 1992 and 2008) and the Delta Daihatsu truck, which went out of production in 2008. Renault SOFASA is a Renault manufacturing and sales subsidiary.
In 2011 the Renault brand achieved record sales with 46,820 units, an increase of 23% compared to 2010. Renault is ranked second in the Colombian market with market share of 15.7%.