Renault Group

Committed to diversity

Renault Group’s objective is to promote diversity and inclusion, by integrating all talents. The Group makes every effort to ensure that everyone can make their contribution under the best possible conditions, to the benefit of both individuals and the company.
The Group's Diversity and Inclusion strategy structures our ambition around 4 pillars:
  • Ensure fair and respectful treatment,
  • Provide an inclusive work environment,
  • Foster inclusion and development,
  • And finally, increase the representation of women at all levels, in all professions and in all countries where the company operates.


In the short and medium term, we have two major priorities:
  • Combating all forms of discrimination to guarantee every employee a safe working environment that encourages self-expression.
  • Rebalancing the representation of women and men throughout the Group, with the aim of achieving gender diversity in all teams and at all levels of the company.
To achieve this, we have introduced differentiated targets and regular monitoring. By 2030, Renault Group aims to have 30% of women in management positions.


Gender equality: ending clichés

Who says that men must work in engineering and women in communications? And who says that gender equality is only a women’s issue? Society is changing, and so is the automotive industry and its professions.



A closer look at some of the actions implemented within the Group:

  • A new Diversity & Inclusion Charter that was rolled out in 2022
  • An ambitious action plan to close the gender pay gap. This objective was achieved in 2023, 2 years ahead of schedule.
  • Mandatory training for all white-collar employees on discriminatory behaviour.

Information related to French legislation on gender representation in the various legal entities present on the territory

In accordance with the law for the freedom to choose one's professional future announced on 5 September 2018, Renault Group publishes its gender equality index (French index), as well as the new obligations relating to the proportion of women in governing bodies and senior managers for companies with more than 1,000 employees.


Results of the 2024 gender equality index for 2023:

Companies with more than 1,000 employees:

- Renault s.a.s: 89 points

Representation information: 34.6% of women in management bodies; 26% of women among executive managers.

- RCI Banque s.a.: 89 points

Representation information: 36.4% of women in management bodies and 29.6% of women in executive management.

- Renault Retail Group: 85 points

Representation information: 20.0% of women in management bodies and 13.2% of women in executive management.

- Société de Véhicules Automobiles de Batilly: 94 points

Representation information: 20.0% women in management bodies and 20.0% women in executive management.

- AMPERE ELEC: 88 points


Companies with between 250 and 1,000 employees

- Alpine: 89 points

- Alpine Racing / Renault Sport Racing: 80 points*

- Renault Software Labs: 89 points

- Sodicam²: 93 points

- Sofrastock International: 87 points

- Qstomize : 88 points


Companies with fewer than 250 employees

- ACI Villeurbanne: due to an insufficient number of employees to assess certain index indicators, the index cannot be calculated.

- Alpine Cars / Renault Sport Cars: 86 points

- Renault Digital: 72 points*

* Structures obtaining a score of less than 85/100 commit to implement and communicate action plans to improve their results to the works council. The Gender Equality Index 2023 will be updated with these action plans.


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