Renault Group


“Caring cars”: safety as a priority
Through innovation and implementation, we strive to optimise safety for our employees and all who use our vehicles.

Vehicle safety

In Europe in 2019, the number of road fatalities reached 23,000. A figure that can be explained by number of reasons: excessive or inappropriate speed (30%), driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (25%), or lack of concentration (20%).

To make driving safer, we rely on a two-pronged approach: prevention and rescue.

Human first program: safety by Renault

Renault has been optimising existing safety systems and developing new ones for more than 50 years. The brand has filed over 2,000 safety patents since 1970.

The Human First programme, launched in 2023, presents all the Renault Group’s safety initiatives to the general public. These actions are the result of collaboration between engineers, safety experts, product managers, the LAB and first-aiders (firefighters).

This approach, coupled with recent technological developments such as AI, now makes it possible to Renault to stand out, in order to protect not only motorists, but all road users around them.

Learn more


Human first program


Detect and inform

Safety Score

The ‘Safety score’ will help analyse driving data using sensors located on the vehicle.


Safety Coach

This device will process road and traffic data to inform drivers of potential risks on their route and will give real-time warnings on danger-prone areas.


Safe Guardian

A fail-safe mechanism will take trigger automatically in the event of a clear and present danger (a far too dangerous turn, loss of steering wheel control for a prolonged period, drowsiness, etc.). The vehicle will then slow down and return to a safe driving mode.


Fire-fighter access

It helps fire-fighters put out accidental battery fires. The access considerably reduces response time (from nearly 2 hours to only a few minutes).

Rescue code

A QR code that fire-fighters can use to identify a vehicle and access its structural information. Renault Group has trained fire-fighters in 15 European countries on how to use the code, while also donating several hundred vehicles for them to use in their training programs.

Occupational Health and Safety

Our ambition : zero work-related illnesses and accidents by 2030.

See our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

One health, one company

Prevention campaigns
As of 2021, preventive health programs on women's cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
Medical coverage for all
Optimal medical coverage for 100% of group employees.Access to remote medical consultations for 100% of employees by 2025.
An objective of zero
work-related accidents and illnesses