LEGAL FORM AND CAPITAL OWNERSHIP: “S.N.C.” (general partnership) with capital of €28,127,600, 98,91% owned by Renault SAS (France)
ACTIVITY: Mechanical (Gearboxes and engines), foundry
WORKFORCE: 3,219 at December 31, 2022
AREA: 150 ha, o/w 42 ha of covered buildings
CERTIFICATIONS: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, SMR label, RHP label
Aluminium foundry
THE CLÉON PLANT IS CERTIFIED ISO 14001 and 50001. The Cléon plant's environmental policy is in line with the Groupe Renault's environmental policy which aims to combine the economic performance, the social progress and the environmental preservation to the strategy of profitable growth.
THE CLÉON PLANT IS CERTIFIED ISO 9001. The ambition of the Cléon plant is to contribute to the recognition of the Groupe Renault, as being one of the leading car manufacturer in terms of quality, and for each range of vehicles and mechanical components. The Manufacturing Quality policy is an integral part of the Groupe Renault's Customer Satisfaction Plan and contributes to the improvement of the Manufacturing and Logistics performance.
In line with the Renault Group's energy policy, the Cléon plant is committed to continuously improving the site's energy performance and to preventing and reducing energy consumption not required for our activities.
Usine Renault de Cléon
BP 105,
76 410 Cléon
+ 33 (0)1 76 86 86 64 ou + 33 (0)1 76 86 81 81