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Reach regulation

For a responsible use of our products

To promote the manufacturing and responsible handling of our products:

At Renault Group, communicating you accurate information is a rule of conduct, a transparency objective that fully comes under the scope of the European REACH regulation, in effect since 2007, to secure the manufacturing and use of chemical substances in the European industrial sector.

Loyal to its own commitments, Renault Group supports REACH sub-objectives in general, and specifically in reference to article 33. How? By communicating you information on the substances mentioned in the articles for a fully secure upkeep, maintenance, and repair of our vehicles.

REACH in a couple letters is

  • Recording all substances manufactured or imported of over 1 ton per year
  • Evaluating all trial propositions, record cases, and substances.
  • Authorisation, for substances of concern.
  • Restrictions, to manage risks connected to other CHemical substances.

To obtain the information related to your car, please choose you brand and model car bellow.

You need more information ? Please contact us:

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