Renault Group

ReKnow University

ReKnow University

Transforming skills to build the mobility of the future

The environmental challenges, developments in regulation and consumers’ new needs are transforming the automotive industry. Vehicles are becoming electric, connected and smart. All these shifts require new skills, notably in analysing and processing data and in vehicle electrification, maintenance and recycling. That’s exactly what ReKnow University is doing: building this expertise and supporting the changes in jobs revolving around mobility.


reknow university

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Who ReKnow University is for  

Group employees in France, our industrial and technology partners’ employees working in the automotive sector, young people on initial training programmes, employees on retraining pathways and job-seekers.

ReKnow University figures:


people trained since 2021


by 2025

The 3 goals:


Future-ready mobility

Future-ready mobility

The Renaulution is speeding up our journey to become a more competitive, tech-intensive and sustainable company, taking mobility services, energy services and data services to the next level. ReKnow University is here to support this transition by retraining employees for jobs relating to electric vehicles, recycling and the circular economy, as well as software, data processing and in-vehicle intelligence.

Solid employability

Solid employability

In France, the decline in internal-combustion vehicle production is affecting about 50,000 people in the automotive industry. In the opposite direction, the Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme estimates that 15,000 jobs will be created in battery production, 9,000 in recycling and 5,700 in retrofitting over the coming decade. Transforming skills is the only way to go. And ReKnow University is equipping people with the skills for the future to maintain and protect employability.

Collective transformation

Collective transformation

ReKnow University is a collective endeavour reaching across the automotive sector and further. Our main training programmes are built in partnerships: we include other industrial and academic institutions in their design and delivery.



Our partners


The objective: jointly develop training solutions with partners dealing with similar skill-building challenges (Software République partners, EDF, Enedis, Forvia, Renault Trucks, SGS, Valeo and Veolia).


The objective: jointly create training contents, and create or adapt professional degrees, diplomas and other qualifications (CNAM, HEC, Ingénieurs 2000, Paris-Saclay University).

CMQ* and public players

The objective: support development of initial training, professional integration or reskilling courses in local communities.

*Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications ( Métiers and qualifications campus)


ReKnow University’s 3 fields of expertise


.01 Circular economy: the Mobility Circular Industry campus 01

The Mobility Circular Industry (ICM) campus spans 8,000 sqm and caters to students and professionals who want to train in mobility-related trades. It is open to outside organisations, provides innovative training content and learning experiences, and is supporting the transition from linear-economy trades to circular-economy trades.

This campus has teamed up with academic partners (Paris-Saclay and Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines universities) and industrial ones (Enedis, SGS, Valeo and Veolia) to design three types of training courses via CMQ:

  • Circular-economy basics, covering the key notions such as product life cycles, the difference between reusing and recycling, and the value-chain principles.
  • Technical courses to equip learners for up-and-coming jobs (vehicle refurbishing diagnosticians, robot retrofit technicians, eco-design engineers, eco-responsible purchasing officers, etc.).
  • Orientation courses for learners to find out about the new possibilities and find one that’s right for them.

This campus is already reskilling and upskilling people at the plant in Flins, in synch with the industrial overhaul at the ReFactory.

In 2022, the campus received the French ministerial label "Campus of Excellence" for a period of 5 years, a sign of recognition of the quality of the actions it carries out to strengthen the links between the educational world and the economic world.

.02 Electric mobility: E-Mobility Industry Academy 02

At its training centres in Renault Group, Forvia and Renault Trucks industrial plants, the E-Mobility Industry Academy is building our production team members’ and process engineers’ skills in manufacturing electric vehicles and motors.

These courses are unique in France and follow the learning-by-practice principle (learners spend 70% of their time doing hands-on work on training lines). They were set up by industrial, with academic partners, revolve around new electric technologies, and are designed for workshop mechanics, line supervisors and process engineers.

Electric motor production

At the plant in Cléon, which houses one of the three E-Mobility Industry Academy centres, Renault Group has invested [1] over €1 million in educational resources and technology to train learners in electric motor production. The courses were prepared in partnership with Ingénieurs 2000, CNAM and Nextmove, and are delivered by our in-house tutors on a 13-machine training line.

The courses last 4 to 6 weeks and will also be open to employees from other companies, people on reskilling programmes and students on 1-year training programmes.

The practical retraining courses cover all the technologies in electric motors, including stator and rotor winding, impregnation, and electric and electronic tests. They are based on manufacturing process analysis and give learners the keys to design or run high-tech, high-performance, efficient production lines.

.03 Data, software and cybersecurity: Software République Talent Academy 03

The Talent Academy brings together the best expertise of the Software République partners - Dassault Systèmes, Eviden, Orange, Renault Group, ST Microelectronics and Thalès - to provide courses in cybersecurity, data and software.
Its objective is to guide young people, especially young women, towards scientific and technical careers, attract qualified young talent, and develop an inter-company training offer between Software République founding members.

Three programs reflect this ambition:


,Educating with the “Talent Factory”

,Educating with the “Talent Factory”

The "Talent Factory" program, dedicated to young people (15-20 years old), aims to increase the pool of young talents in the fast-growing fields of cybersecurity, data and software. The educational content of the program is intended for:
- 3rd grade classes, with a particular focus on students from priority neighborhoods and young women interested in tech careers.
- high school students and students in "Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles" (CPGE), as part of a partnership signed with the "Union of Teachers of Industrial Science and Techniques - UPSTI " in June 2023. This initiative aims to engage high school students who have chosen the Science of Engineering (SI) specialty, as well as CPGE teachers and their students whose courses are related to future mobility challenges.

Recruiting with the “Talent Incubator”

Recruiting with the “Talent Incubator”

The "Talent Incubator" program aims to promote the use of apprenticeships as a recruitment lever for candidates with tech skills. An initial cybersecurity training program was launched in 2022 for students with 3-year degrees (technicians) and 5-year degrees (engineers). This program has been extended to other schools and other areas, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI)/data or software development. It now brings together 600 apprentices (young people between 20 and 25 years old). This program also offers engineering school students the opportunity to work on projects directly related to the industrial challenges of Software République members.

Training with the “Talent Accelerator”

Training with the “Talent Accelerator”

The "Talent Accelerator" program is designed to consolidate skill development and retraining courses for employees from the moment they join the founding companies of the Software République. It brings together the best of the training offered by member companies, to share access to training programs at the highest level. Several training courses have already been shared, such as the Executive Master in Cybersecurity, designed by Institut Polytechnique and Orange Group. The ambition for 2025 is to contribute to the training of around 40,000 Software République employees in tech-related fields.


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[1] Under the French government’s Plan d’Investissement d’Avenir (forward-looking investments) programme.