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Analyst coverage

The Renault share is listed on Euronext Paris since 1994.
The following institutions regularly follow the performance of Renault Group.

AlphaValueAdrien Brasey
Bank of America SecuritiesMichael Jacks
Barclays CapitalHenning Cosman
BerenbergRomain Gourvil
BernsteinStephen Reitman
CICDominique Descours
CitigroupHarald Hendrikse
Deutsche BankChristoph Laskawi
Exane BNP ParibasStuart Pearson
Goldman SachsGeorge Galliers
HSBCPushkar Tendolkar
Intesa SanpaoloRenato Gargiulo
JefferiesPhilippe Houchois
JP MorganJosé Asumendi
Kepler-CheuvreuxThomas Besson
MediobancaAndrea Balloni
Morgan StanleyJavier Martinez de Olcoz Cerdan
ODDO BHFMichael Foundoukidis
Redburn AtlanticAdrian Yanoshik
SantanderEduardo Gonzalez
UBSDavid Lesne
Updated on 2025.01.28
To our knowledge, the above list presents the main analysts covering the Renault share. We provide this list for your convenience only and do not endorse or express any opinion on these analysts’ reports. The list will be updated on a regular basis, but does not purport to be complete, correct or representative as of any point in time.