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All-new Megane E-TECH Electric: road-trip to the heart of innovations – Episode 5

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Join Jean-Baptiste Nicolet, host of the TheiCollection YouTube channel, as he takes us on a road-trip on board the All-new Renault Megane E-TECH Electric, journeying through a selection of innovative features that gave rise to a number of patents. In this fifth episode, he stops at Beuvron-en-Auge, one of France’s most beautiful villages, before heading back to Paris.

Something about the stunning scenery in Normandy prompts Jean-Baptiste to contemplate the car’s interior looks. He loves the modern feel and roominess in the cockpit, and calls an engineer at Renault to find out more about how they pulled off this feeling of weightlessness and spaciousness inside. Marc, a platform architecture expert, tells him that it all started with a simple idea – that wasn’t all that simple to apply: relocating the heating and air conditioning unit. This bulky component is usually built into the dashboard, but they shifted it under the bonnet, where the engine usually is. This was possible for two reasons: electric motors are so much more compact than combustion engines and, most importantly, the Renault engineers who came up with this patented innovation are so resourceful.

Our goal on the Megane E-TECH Electric was to open up more space inside without increasing outside volume, because we wanted to keep the car compact. So we broke new ground, with a patented system to fasten the heating and air conditioning unit inside the engine compartment, so that the Design Department could have free rein to streamline the dashboard as much as possible.

Marc Yvetot

Platform architecture expert at Renault’s Engineering Department

Jean-Baptiste hits the road again, after finding out about the smart idea behind the All-new Megane E-TECH Electric’s roomy interior and sleek design. And, for sure, he will be shedding light on other innovative features before he gets back to Paris!

Tune into the next episode for more…