Title: Chief Program Officer, Renault Group
Studies: graduated from the Technical University of Berlin and holds a PhD in theoretical physics from the Free University of Berlin
Guido Haak, 55 years, graduated from the Technical University of Berlin and holds a PhD in theoretical physics from the Free University of Berlin.
After four years of research and teaching in mathematics in the US and Germany, he joined McKinsey & Company in 1998, as consultant in the high-tech and automotive industry across Europe, the US and Japan.
He joined the Volkswagen Group in 2005 as head of Audi's first modular framework. After holding positions in product management, strategy and marketing at the Audi and Volkswagen brands, he was appointed in 2015 as Head of Product Management at Skoda Auto A.S. in Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic). There he steered the brand's successful growth strategy and the electrification of the range.
On February 1st, 2022, Guido Haak joins the Renault Group as EVP, Advanced Products & Planning, Renault Group. He is a member of the Renault Group’s Board of Management.
On February 1, 2023, he is appointed Chief Program Officer. He becomes a member of the Leadership Team, which replaces the Board of Management (BOM) and the Corporate Management Committee (CMC). This new single management body’s mission will be to ensure the strategic and operational management of Renault Group activities.